Knowledge of the times, heights, and extent of inflow and outflow of tidal waters is of importance in a wide range of practical applications such as the following: Navigation through coastal waterways, and within estuaries, bays, and harbors; work on harbor engineering projects, such as the construction of bridges, docks, breakwaters, and deep-water channels; the establishment of standard chart datum for hydrography and for demarcation of a base line or "legal coastline" for fixing offshore territorial limits both on the sea surface and on the submerged lands of the Continental Shelf; provision of information necessary for underwater demolition activities and other military engineering uses; and the furnishing of data indispensable to fishing, boating, surfing, and a considerable variety of related water sport activities. That is why a theory of tides and its practical utilization are thoroughly elaborated.
You can easy find very simple and intelligible explanations how tides work and remarkable illustrations and animations of this phenomenon. Animation shows tides of the hyperbolic size (for clarity), which travel around the earth. Animation like this shows you clearly that tides themselves are the most conspicuous surface ocean currents. When you familiarize with ocean tides theory and these expressive illustrations and animations you can guess or even arrive at a conclusion yourself that gravitational forces of the moon and sun are the driving forces of the global ocean currents and the moon's gravitational pull is the primary force responsible for the tides on the earth.
Fig.1. Tidal bulge as a transfer of ocean water.
Look at this picture (Fig.1.). There is no doubt that water contained in the tidal bulge is a huge spherical wave moving opposite direction of the earth rotation. This wave gathers keeps and moves enormous quantity of water always in one direction and this direction coincide with surface ocean currents. Is it really the ocean wave is a transfer of water?
When you see an ocean wave approaching the shore and this wave cover you and wash off the beach and you remain alive you meet the fundamental wave mass transfer phenomena: The ocean wave movement is not just a displacement of water molecules up and down as tell about it textbooks and teachers but it is a transfer of water mass stored between two troughs. Exactly such a volume of water was caste ashore and washed everything and you to the sea. You are lucky. It was usual shallow water wave but not a tsunami.
It is not difficult to calculate volume of water in ocean tidal bulge. The tidal bulges are dome-like waves on the ocean surface, travelling from the east to west in the tropical belt of the oceans and carrying over this volume of water from east coasts to west coasts all the time. We call this water transferring as global ocean currents.
When you understand that the tidal moving creates the ocean currents you go to encyclopedia or a corresponding website to make sure you are right. To your great surprise you find out that you are wrong. You learn that wind forces ocean water to go from east to west. If you will try to find out what and how a global air circulation work, you will be even more surprised.
This is an example how science understands this phenomenon: “Differential heating of the globe is what gives rise to global wind patterns. Because they are persistent, these winds create "permanent" movements of water, which we know as currents. The wind patterns, the Coriolis effect, and the arrangement of landmasses are responsible for large-scale patterns of wind-driven surface currents in the world ocean”.
Why do people think like this? I believe they consider this because ocean currents patterns and global wind patterns are similar.
Global air circulation could not be driven by pressure gradients in the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure changes in all directions and cannot create invariable one-way wind. You see there is no sun influence on atmosphere at night and wind could go in the reverse direction but it should not.
If it is accepted that the moon pulls around the land and the water, then surely it also pulls the air. Whilst many scientists accept the sea tides and earth tides as fact, some still have trouble with the notion of air-tides. The air-tide effect is too puny, they say. They think like this because nobody could see and measure the atmospheric tides. There is one more reason for this. It seems the atmospheric tides don’t trouble people.
The atmosphere is a mass of gas weighing five million billion tons and about half of this total mass is in the lower layers, within about 5 kilometers of the earth’s surface. I believe that the atmospheric-tide comes and goes out every day just like the ocean-tide.
Atmospheric tides were written about in 1807 and then rediscovered by British scientists Appleton and Weekes in 1939, who were investigating the strange phenomenon that shortwave radio signals reached around the world more clearly at New and Full Moon phases. They concluded that if the atmosphere (or ‘stratosphere’) made radio waves change clarity because of the phase of the Moon, then there must be a tidal effect in the air.
In Atmospheric Tides for example you can read: “Whenever the Moon is above the horizon it has two bulges beneath it. These are pulled by gravitational attraction. One is made of water and the other is a bulge of air. The ever-changing replacement of the water bulge results in the sea tide and the replacement of air within the air bulge results in the weather”.
But the author of this thread just sees the influence air tides on the weather because the gravity “is stretching the air and attracting, by gravitational pull, more atmosphere to higher levels in the sky, so creating a larger volume gaseous environment”. He does not notice that atmospheric tides are the global air circulation themselves. Atmospheric and ocean tides are phenomenon of the same physical essence. That is why ocean currents patterns and global wind patterns are similar.
You can see that hurricanes float in the earth’s atmosphere in spite of their huge mass. The moon and sun’s gravity and the rotation of the moon-earth system as a whole pull these floating monsters too, always in one direction from east to west. Without this force hurricanes would stand still and could not develop and wreak havoc. The only permanent motion allows them to gather energy from the huge air space and turn to the most destructive atmospheric phenomenon.
So in reality the atmospheric gravitational tides are not slight and harmless. They are the fundamental driving forces of the global air circulation and tropical cyclones or typhoons as well. Hurricanes/typhoons drift generally westward in both hemispheres. When they strike land, the winds, which may reach speeds of 240 km/h, and rain, can do tremendous damage and a raging flood.
In [1 - 3] it is described the model according which the traveling tidal convex waves on the surface of each ocean transfer some thousands cubic kilometers of water per day from the east part of the tropic belt region of the ocean to its west part and that this wave mass transfer of water from the east to west regions of the oceans is the main generator of the large-scale ocean currents. According to this model the all others large-scale ocean currents are gradient returning streams of water from the west to east ocean's regions. The main features and general structure of the large-scale ocean currents roughly confirm this hypothesis [4].
Under the hypothesis that the atmospheric and ocean tides are controlled by the same gravitational forces and that gases and liquids have the same behavior we can conclude without doubt that the atmospheric tides create a global air circulation.
When you see an ocean wave approaching the shore and this wave cover you and wash off the beach and you remain alive you meet the fundamental wave mass transfer phenomena: The ocean wave movement is not just a displacement of water molecules up and down as tell about it textbooks and teachers but it is a transfer of water mass stored between two troughs. Exactly such a volume of water was caste ashore and washed everything and you to the sea. You are lucky. It was usual shallow water wave but not a tsunami.
It is not difficult to calculate volume of water in ocean tidal bulge. The tidal bulges are dome-like waves on the ocean surface, travelling from the east to west in the tropical belt of the oceans and carrying over this volume of water from east coasts to west coasts all the time. We call this water transferring as global ocean currents.
When you understand that the tidal moving creates the ocean currents you go to encyclopedia or a corresponding website to make sure you are right. To your great surprise you find out that you are wrong. You learn that wind forces ocean water to go from east to west. If you will try to find out what and how a global air circulation work, you will be even more surprised.
This is an example how science understands this phenomenon: “Differential heating of the globe is what gives rise to global wind patterns. Because they are persistent, these winds create "permanent" movements of water, which we know as currents. The wind patterns, the Coriolis effect, and the arrangement of landmasses are responsible for large-scale patterns of wind-driven surface currents in the world ocean”.
Why do people think like this? I believe they consider this because ocean currents patterns and global wind patterns are similar.
Global air circulation could not be driven by pressure gradients in the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure changes in all directions and cannot create invariable one-way wind. You see there is no sun influence on atmosphere at night and wind could go in the reverse direction but it should not.
If it is accepted that the moon pulls around the land and the water, then surely it also pulls the air. Whilst many scientists accept the sea tides and earth tides as fact, some still have trouble with the notion of air-tides. The air-tide effect is too puny, they say. They think like this because nobody could see and measure the atmospheric tides. There is one more reason for this. It seems the atmospheric tides don’t trouble people.
The atmosphere is a mass of gas weighing five million billion tons and about half of this total mass is in the lower layers, within about 5 kilometers of the earth’s surface. I believe that the atmospheric-tide comes and goes out every day just like the ocean-tide.
Atmospheric tides were written about in 1807 and then rediscovered by British scientists Appleton and Weekes in 1939, who were investigating the strange phenomenon that shortwave radio signals reached around the world more clearly at New and Full Moon phases. They concluded that if the atmosphere (or ‘stratosphere’) made radio waves change clarity because of the phase of the Moon, then there must be a tidal effect in the air.
In Atmospheric Tides for example you can read: “Whenever the Moon is above the horizon it has two bulges beneath it. These are pulled by gravitational attraction. One is made of water and the other is a bulge of air. The ever-changing replacement of the water bulge results in the sea tide and the replacement of air within the air bulge results in the weather”.
But the author of this thread just sees the influence air tides on the weather because the gravity “is stretching the air and attracting, by gravitational pull, more atmosphere to higher levels in the sky, so creating a larger volume gaseous environment”. He does not notice that atmospheric tides are the global air circulation themselves. Atmospheric and ocean tides are phenomenon of the same physical essence. That is why ocean currents patterns and global wind patterns are similar.
You can see that hurricanes float in the earth’s atmosphere in spite of their huge mass. The moon and sun’s gravity and the rotation of the moon-earth system as a whole pull these floating monsters too, always in one direction from east to west. Without this force hurricanes would stand still and could not develop and wreak havoc. The only permanent motion allows them to gather energy from the huge air space and turn to the most destructive atmospheric phenomenon.
So in reality the atmospheric gravitational tides are not slight and harmless. They are the fundamental driving forces of the global air circulation and tropical cyclones or typhoons as well. Hurricanes/typhoons drift generally westward in both hemispheres. When they strike land, the winds, which may reach speeds of 240 km/h, and rain, can do tremendous damage and a raging flood.
In [1 - 3] it is described the model according which the traveling tidal convex waves on the surface of each ocean transfer some thousands cubic kilometers of water per day from the east part of the tropic belt region of the ocean to its west part and that this wave mass transfer of water from the east to west regions of the oceans is the main generator of the large-scale ocean currents. According to this model the all others large-scale ocean currents are gradient returning streams of water from the west to east ocean's regions. The main features and general structure of the large-scale ocean currents roughly confirm this hypothesis [4].
Under the hypothesis that the atmospheric and ocean tides are controlled by the same gravitational forces and that gases and liquids have the same behavior we can conclude without doubt that the atmospheric tides create a global air circulation.
Dobrolyubov A.I. The wave mass transfer of matter. - Minsk, "Belarusskaya Nauka", 1996.- Dobrolyubov A.I. Traveling Deformation Waves: A Tutorial Review. - Applied Mechanics Reviews, New-York, 1991, N 5, pp.215-255.
- Dobrolyubov A.I. On liquid transfer by running solitary waves. - Journal of Engineering Physics, Minsk, "Nauka i Tekhnika", 1986, vol. 51, N2, pp.243-248.
- Richard A. Davis, Jr. Oceanography. An Introduction to the Marine Environment. - Wm.C.Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. 1986
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